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Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

October 12, 2019
Design / Ideas

Step by Step: Simulate Swap Feature

How to create an FCT using our Simulate Swap Feature – 

Step 1: 

Drag Getter – Simulate Swap 

Step 2: 

Select which two tokens you wish to swap 

Step 3: 

In the Amount section – type in the amount you want to swap of the first token 

Step 4: 

Drag Getter – Simulate Swap & connect the two steps on success

Step 5: 

Select which two tokens you wish to swap 

Step 6: 

Drag Getter – Greater or Equal & connect on success 

Step 7: 

Drag the Amount Out from the first Simulate Swap step to Amount 1 section of the Getter 

Step 8: 

Drag the Amount Out from the second Simulate Swap step to Amount 2 section of the Getter 

Step 9: 

Drag the Action – Swap & connect on success 

Step 10:

Drag the Amount from the first Simulate Swap to the Amount section on the Swap step in order for it to auto-fill the information from your first step 

Step 11: 

Drag the Token from the first Simulate Swap to the Token section on the Swap step in order for it to auto-fill the information from your first step 

Step 12: 

Drag the Action – Swap & connect on fail 

Step 13:

Drag the Amount from the first Simulate Swap to the Amount section on the Swap step in order for it to auto-fill the information from your first step 

Step 14: 

Drag the Token from the first Simulate Swap to the Token section on the Swap step in order for it to auto-fill the information from your first step 

Step 15: 

Sign & publish