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October 12, 2019
Design / Ideas

FCT Use Case: Paying Monthly Salaries

How to pay 3 separate employees in 1 FCT 

Step 1:  

Drag action TRANSFER

Step 2: 

Paste employee #1’s wallet address in the recipient section

Step 3: 

Select the token you pay them in

Step 4: 

Type the amount (if you pay your employee using different tokens then you will put the amount that you pay your employee in this token here) 

Step 5: 

Drag action send ETH 

Step 6: 

Connect the two steps using the “On-Success” marker

Step 7: 

Drag the marker from the recipient section in step 1 to the recipient section in step too which will copy & paste employee #1’s wallet address (instead of copying & pasting it again) 

Step 8: 

Type the amount of ETH you would like to send to this employee 

* * * * You can repeat these 8 steps for as many employees as you need to pay salaries for all in one FCT. 

Step 9: 

Click publish 

Step 10: 

Rename your FCT whatever you’d like in order to make it easier to keep track of 

Step 11: 

Then click ‘Sign & Publish’

Step 12: 

Click sign again on your Metamask drop-down menu